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Fuji Track Comp 2009 (Sold)

It was time to let this baby go. =(. I sold the frame set for a decent price to a good guy who will restore and repair it. I just placed an order for another frame and it should be coming soon. =D. I guess you can call it a downgrade, but its for college and I have some money left over so its not that bad for me.

2009 Fuji Track Comp Size 56cm

FC-770 Bonded Carbon Fuji Track Fork/ Cane Creek Headset

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Fuji CGC 3PC Isis Black Track Crankset 144bcd/ Generic squared taper Bottom Bracket

Wellgo MTB clipless pedal

Avenir 17T cog/ Sugino Zen Track Racing 50T chainring/ KMC Chain

None =D

Sakae Japan Drop Bars/ Bontrager Pursuit stem

Purefix Seat/ XLC 27.0 Seatpost

None =D

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Felt TkR-4 700c 30mm deep Aluminum Aero Track Wheel/ Felt Hub/ Serfas Meo Series Tire 700x23C

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Felt TkR-4 700c 30mm deep Aluminum Aero Track Wheel/ Felt Hub/ Vittoria Randonneur 700x 25c

More Info:
Thanks to my friend Kabir for taking the pictures of my bike! Check out his profile! http://www.pedalroom.com/members/Kick_Booty

Added by dragonup619. Last updated almost 12 years ago.

As of almost 12 years ago, dragonup619 has indicated that they no longer own this bike.



8equalsD says:

noooooooo you sold this for the vig? naw im just a hater gotta love my fujis

Posted almost 12 years ago


dragonup619 says:

Ahaha noo I didn't sell this Fuji track comp. I had a Fuji track comp 2010 before and i sold that frame set to the get the vigorelli. My parents wouldn't let me take the cinelli to college so I built up this Fuji track comp 2009. :D

Posted almost 12 years ago


Yogi79 says:

love how you have the fuji chainring on the cinelli haha :D but both are beautiful bikes

Posted almost 12 years ago


dragonup619 says:

Thank you! :D aha I sold my old Fuji track comp frame set to get the Cinelli frame set and I transferred everything that was on that Fuji over to the cinelli :) . I had the 2010 Fuji track comp and now I have the 2009 version as a college bike xD Nice leader by the way! love the wheelset!! :)

Posted almost 12 years ago


Yogi79 says:

Thanks man love all three of those bikes though and thank you my dream wheelset haha well as far as my wallet can take me but that cinelli vigorelli is my ultimate dream bike i love the look of it and the geometry of any cinelli is amazing

Posted almost 12 years ago


JSTEWART304 says:

Definitely a steal! Don't see that color way around too often. 725's are way easier to get. Nice looking bike.

Posted almost 12 years ago


dragonup619 says:

Thanks man! Yea I was able to grad the 725 frameset on craigslist for 250 and I didnt like it a lot since it was heavy. And luckily I was able to trade for this frame =D. Straight trade too, no added cash. A great decision!

Posted almost 12 years ago