Slowly building up this Cannondale. Just need a few more parts and its ready for some dirt :)
Cannondale xs800
Cannondale Fatty
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Sram Force 1
1x11 / 11-32 / 40
Sram Force 1
Brooks Cambium c13
Magura Evolution
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
H Plus Son Archetype / White Industries T11/ Specialized Sawtooth 700x42
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
H Plus Son Archetype / White Industries T11 / Specialized Sawtooth 700x42
Added by bobc4. Last updated over 7 years ago.
This is awesome. I've got a '99 XS800 built up as a SSCX now, but the paint is looking real rough with lots of exposed aluminum. I'm planning on repainting it... where'd you find those decals?
Posted over 7 years ago
thanks! I found them on Ebay they are not the original xs800 stickers. But who cares:
Posted over 7 years ago
I always wondered about these bikes, are the bearings/seals/ fork stuff still available to service/rebuild them?
Posted over 7 years ago
As far as I know they are still serviceable. I will find out soon because this one needs one.
Posted over 7 years ago
cocolito says:
hello guy i just bought a cannondale messenger, exactly the same, and i was wondering how did you go to get 42mm tires
Posted almost 7 years ago
bobc4 says:
Hi, its a tight fit but I filed the dropouts out a bit to give it some more room.
Posted almost 7 years ago