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Surly Cross Check - 62cm

Surly Cross Check 62cm

Surly Cross Check/Chris King NoThreadSet Sotto Voce

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Shimano Ultegra 6800 - 175mm/Shimano

Shimano PD-A530

Shimano Ultegra 6800/Shimano Ultegra 6800

Ritchey road bar - 44cm/Thomson Elite X4 100mm 10degrees

S-works Romin 155mm/Thomson Elite

Shimano Ultegra 6800/Avid Shorty 6

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
H Plus Son Archetype/Shimano Dura Ace 9000/Panaracer Bruce Gordon 43mm

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
H Plus Son Archetype/Shimano Dura Ace 9000/Panaracer Bruce Gordon 43mm

Bike History

Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.

  1. Initial
  2. Stage 2

Added by Strandolini. Last updated over 8 years ago.



marc9987 says:

Hey how did you find the balance / handling of this bike with the rear child seat? Debating a rear seat vs trailer for a bike myself and wasn't sure about the extra weight over the rear wheel?

Posted about 6 years ago


marc9987 says:

LOVE the build BTW.

Posted about 6 years ago


ques_one says:

Hey there! So how d'you like the Alfine compared to derailer gears? I've been thinking on the idea for my straggler on and off..
thanks, Sascha

Posted about 8 years ago


Strandolini says:

Hi Sascha,

Good question! The reason I got the Alfine setup in the first place was twofold. Partly due to the ease of maintenance and partly due to my curiosity for mechanical things:)

About the performance. My experience was that the Alfine 11 setup works well for most types of low effort purposes. However, once you start putting in more effort (power) it feels like it is not as efficient as a derailleur solution. Also, it is often difficult to find the right gear due to irregular spacing between gears.

Conclusion. If you want to go from A to B as fast as possible, go with a derailleur solution. If you don't care about how fast you get to your destination, and if you don't know how to adjust your gears, go for Alfine or similar.

Good luck making the decision:)

Posted about 8 years ago


ques_one says:

Thanks for your quick response! Combined with my preference for drop bars and the only available Alfine drop shifter option being kinda crappy, this convinces me not to try :) I was tempted because of the bombproofness of an igh but am pretty sure I couldn't deal with a loss in performance, since I do not own a road bike any more and so the Surly also has its duties in group rides and distance touring.
Cheers, mate! happy new years

Posted about 8 years ago


moose says:

drop bar setup is awesome

Posted over 8 years ago


Strandolini says:

Thanks! Yes, it has become one of my favorites after the cx conversion:)

Posted over 8 years ago


m_sobie says:

I really dig your Cross Check! I'm thinking about picking one up for myself and am debating between the 60cm and 62cm. Usually I can just grab the largest size available in other frames, but Surly has some really BIG sizes! If you don't mind me asking, what is your height and inseam? Your setup looks super comfortable and fun!

Posted about 9 years ago


Strandolini says:

Hi m_sobie, thanks! You sure have a great bike park yourself:) My body measure are 197cm with 102cm inseam (long legs). I'm about to replace the 130mm stem with a 100mm stem to make it even more comfortable! Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Posted about 9 years ago


m_sobie says:

Thanks for the response; it's much appreciated. I'll be stopping at my LBS after class today to place an order for a 60cm. Hopefully it'll come together as nice as yours!

Posted about 9 years ago


DEUKA says:


Posted over 9 years ago


Strandolini says:

For those fast days!

Posted over 9 years ago


Nathap470 says:

this fucking awesome

Posted over 9 years ago


Strandolini says:

Thanks man!

Posted over 9 years ago


50voltphantom says:

Did you drill the stem for the brake cable? Can you add pictures showing this?

Posted over 9 years ago


Strandolini says:

That´s right, had to make the hole myself. Didn´t really want a cable hanger messing up the front. I used a 5mm metal bore for the top hole in order to let the tube pass through and a 2mm metal bore for the bottom hole for the cable to pass.

Posted over 9 years ago


Strandolini says:

Let me know if you have other questions!

Posted over 9 years ago


grangeyard says:


Posted over 9 years ago


Strandolini says:

Takk! Har vært sommerens prosjekt:) Akkurat ferdig bygget. Deilig!

Posted over 9 years ago