That piece of English craftmanship is the youngest steel horse in my stable by now. And it is fury. Riding it makes you feel like trying to keep hold of an arrow which just came off an old longbow. It's hard to describe. May be nosediving, hunting or storming come close to it. You take it or leave it. This isn't a coffee-racer. You're on a rush!
Columbus Max Pro whatever
Stronglight with titanium axle
some crap piece, self-covered with buckskin
make a prayer for god's sake!
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Spengle 3 spokes
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Spengle Disc
Bike History
Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.
Added by Thor. Last updated over 4 years ago.
Pesquerecho says:
Please fix that saddle angle, this bike deserves it
Posted about 6 years ago
GhostRidingTheWhip says:
Posted about 6 years ago
Thor says:
Posted about 6 years ago