Location: Artesia
3 bikes
Can't stop; don't want to
DHenderson's Favorites
- 1984 Trek 520 Touring Bike
- 1988 Colnago Pursuit
- 1993 cannondale track
- 2011 Leader 725 TR
- 2011 Leader 725 TR MID
- 2012 Bianchi Super Pista
- Affinity Chro Pro Small
- Affinity Lo Pro Champagne Money
- Affinity Lo Pro X HelloEcho
- [another] FUJI TRACK PRO 09
- Basso Titanium Road
- Bianchi Pista Concept 2009
- Cameron's Kinfolk
- Cervelo T1
- Cervélo T1 Japan
- Cinelli Mash Histogram 2011 53cm
- Cinelli MASH JPNxHI
- custom frame
- D.A.M.P. earbeard
- EAI Toyo Godzilla 50cm
- Eddy Merckx Gara Pista Alu
- Hewitt A6N
- LDG Standard Track
- Leader KAGERO x CaBaY
- Look KG282 Ti
- mash histogram 2010 by garret chow
- Masi Coltello 2011
- My 735Y sweety
- Nagabumi Resiseta
- Nemesis Project - Steveland Cleaner
- Paké V.1 Bike Polo Edition
- Pelizzoli Leggenda
- Pelizzoli Leggenda
- Pink Reminton
- Potential of Hydrogen
- Raw Mercier
- Red Hot Chili Pepper
- Superb Sprint
- Teal Affinity Lo Pro
- The Makino