9 bikes
milktea_rider's Favorites
- 10th anniversary Affinity LoPro
- 10 year parallax
- 1993 Cannondale track, 56cm
- 1997 Tiemeyer GT Superbike-3
- 2007 Gellie Custom messenger track
- 2013 LOW// Track Standard
- 2015 Affinity Lo Pro - Lollipop Purple
- 2015 LOW// MKI Cross LOW MK1 CX
- 2017 Marino Custom "big dog"
- 3Rensho (Stolen and Recovered)
- 52cm LOW// Track Standard
- 56cm Pake Rum Runner Track
- 96' GT Pulse (Kinesis)
- Affinity Kissena
- Black And Gold
- Cannondale Track 92'
- Centurio Lorica
- Cicli Bonanno - Killisperger 2016
- Cinelli Mash Bolt
- Cinelli Mash custom Laser blue azzuro
- Cinelli Mash Histogram 2015
- Cinelli MASH Parallax 2015
- Cinelli Mash Parallax Cyanotype
- Cinelli Parallax (Not a Morning Person)
- Custom Ave Maldea Steel “Tarck” Bike
- Custom Cinelli Parallax
- dosnoventa Detroit2 "chickenlegs team"
- Dosnoventa Houston NASA
- Dosnoventa Tokyo
- Eddy Merckx Alu Pista
- FISTAkhion bropro
- Gt gtb 52cm
- IRO Mark V (SOLD)
- KHS Aero Track 1993
- Low Bicycles SS Crit 2018
- Low// Pursuit '13
- Low// Pursuit 56cm
- LOW// Pursuit x DSC *FRAME 4 SALE**
- LOW// road
- LOW// Trackx
- LUJ//
- mash histogram 2010 by garret chow
- Mashsf Cinelli Parallax
- Mercier Kilo TT (1st)
- Montagner Pursuit
- NJS Round Breeze
- Orlowski columbus zona megatubes
- ORSO Criterium Concept
- Pink Cinelli Mash Work
- Ponc 111P-007
- Protech Track
- RIP = KHS Aero Track = RIP
- Rychtarski life
- Rychtarski Lo Pro
- Scapin R8
- Squid Bicycles "Rattle-Can" CX (30th)
- Steel “DuraAce” Custom painted track bik
- Superb Sprint PDX
- VYNL Cyclocross
- Willy's Bianchi Concept Pista 2006
- Willy's KHS Pursuit
- Wraith Fabrication Paycheck
- Yamaguchi
- Yamaguchi Aero Track
- Yamaguchi Aero Track
- Yatagarasu 2