Bella bicicletta rossa. A member of the Triumvirate of Vintage Italian Bikes: Cinelli, Masi, De Rosa.
1982 Cinelli Supercorsa 55cm
Cinelli / Campagnolo Nuovo Record
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Campagnolo Nuovo Record / Campagnolo Nuovo Record
Campagnolo Superleggeri
Campagnolo Nuovo Record / Suntour Winner 6-speed 13-24
Campagnolo Nuovo Record
Cinelli Volare SLX / Campagnolo Record
Campagnolo Record
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Camapgnolo Record / Mavic MA2 / Vittoria Open Corsa Evo SC
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Camapgnolo Record / Mavic MA2 / Vittoria Open Corsa Evo SC
Added by 212swat. Last updated almost 12 years ago.
Another ISA,not sure I would stop at Three brands.It might be easier to count shitty Italian bikes lol. Red is perfect color for this beauty.
Posted about 12 years ago
Repainted by CyclArt in their early days before they had categories. Italian bikes of that era: great frames, lousy paint. Could peel off just from staring at it.
Posted about 12 years ago
Ya,my Romani rides great but is between patina and gross. Lack of decals is my excuse but paint like yours makes my excuse kind of lame. Just a lovely bike.
Posted about 12 years ago
Septiawan says:
awesome ! vintage classic bike I like it.
Posted over 11 years ago
212swat says:
Lots of Vintage Italian Steel here:
Posted over 11 years ago