Factory-polished C'Track in nearly new condition. Perfect mirror finish. SOLD
1993 Cannondale Track, Polished Aluminum 57x57cm ctc)
Original Steel Tange / Suntour Superbe Track Headset
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Sugino 75 CHCD / Suntour Superbe Pro
MKS / Soma Straps
Sugino 75 CHCD / Suntour Superbe Pro NJS / 51T Carbon CHCD
Selle Italia Flite Titanium / kingsbury-American Classic SeatPost
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Mavic GP4 Ano / Suntour Superbe Pro / Continental Tri Tubulars. Also shown with Suntour Superbe Pro laced to HSon Archetypes
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Mavic GP4 Ano / Suntour Superbe Pro / Continental Tri Tubulars. Also shown with Suntour Superbe Pro laced to HSon Archetypes
More Info:
Stunning condition.
Added by A-Danger. Last updated over 10 years ago.
As of about 11 years ago, A-Danger has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
I Think this Track is currently hanging in my living room. Do you remember if it was a Nov. 1992 build?
Posted over 9 years ago
Decals on this one were solid black. They didn't have the white outline. I think you have one of my other polished Tracks! Looks great.
Posted over 9 years ago
im going to sound stupid.....but how do make the bike stand without a stand ):
Posted over 11 years ago
they're measured by the seat tube.
here's the geo for you
Posted over 11 years ago
Renspoke says:
I knew if I searched "honeycomb" I would find something amazing. 2nd best bike I've ever seen. Cheers.
Posted over 8 years ago