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80's Rocky Mountain Turbo track bike

local buy and sell score - i put my offer in and it disappeared from the site the next day so I figured it was gone. guy messaged me two weeks later telling me he could drop it off right away .. so I bought it. great bike - cool color - local history n stuff .. but I have other bikes more my size that I like way more so I sold it ...

55cm Rocky Mountain Turbo track frame . Reynolds 531 Professional , Cinelli cast BB Shell , Campagnolo dropouts f/b. no drain holes , no brake mounts

sweet teardrop profile steel fork - this bike has about 2mm of tire clearance on the downtube with a 23 tire on - super tight ;) took the original campagnolo headset off and tossed a chris king threaded headset on

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Campagnolo bottom bracket ( original ) , Factory5 Pista crank arms ( 170 )

shimano spd

izumi track chain , factory5 47t lattice chainring , 15t Phil Wood cog and 14t All City cog

Factory 5 Titan Stem ( 90 mm ) , Soma Hwy One bars ( 25.4 clamp silver , 38 cm ) **WARNING** DO NOT EVER BUY A FACTORY5 TITAN STEM - they are the cheap garbage that fails - the bolts are ultra thin and snap with less than 4NM pressure ( i did it and so did the bike shop ) - the wedge is pressed tinfoil - and these stems are horrifically unsafe for anyone who really rides a bike. you have been warned.

thomson elite seatpost ( 27.2 , silver ) , Concor saddle ( re-upholstered in black )

only for coffee and joints

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Phil Wood laced to HPlusSon archetype , sapim race spokes

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Phil Wood ( fix/fix) laced to HPlusSon archetype , sapim race spokes

ass-saver , garmin crap

More Info:
confirmed with the people at RMB - hand built by Derek Bailey in North Vancouver sometime in the 80's but no other info ..

Added by ObiSean. Last updated about 6 years ago.

As of almost 8 years ago, ObiSean has indicated that they no longer own this bike.



Jehu says:


Posted almost 8 years ago


Flatik says:

So tight!

Posted about 8 years ago


robbiwood says:

Saw this bike on the Superchampion instagram page, 'mirin that sweet seat clamp

Posted over 8 years ago


ObiSean says:

shyeah I took it to show Jamie as soon as it was set up ;)

Posted over 8 years ago


FABEL says:

I've previously loved their mountain bikes & feel they're passionate about the setups they create; can only imagine the same here, although I never knew they dabbled in track framesets. did they ever build a complete track bike?, what year is this from?, do they have any photos of this being raced?

also, love the seat post binder & slick wheel clearance specs.

Posted over 8 years ago