Yet another Bay Area made track bike. Has disc front and rear. Still a work in progress as I need to get bars, brakes, seatpost, and saddle for it. I want to build it up like a CX bike but I may end up putting MTB bars on it and having a crazy fun "beater". True Temper OX Platnium tubes, with S3 downtube. Powdercoated green with a bit of flake.
Broakland ST Classic
Wound Up - Chris King black
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Sugino 75 black - miche ISO bb
Shimano M520
some 44T ring - 18T EAI - D.I.D. NJS chain
Selle Flite - Thomson Elite Setback
Avid BB7 disc brakes
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Shimano Disc hub - Velocity (made in Australia)
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Formula - Velocity (made in Australia)
Dixie Adapter for the rear disc
Bike History
Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.
Current Stage Info:
Put the rear disc brake on, swapped out some silver stuff for black stuff, still need to change the ratio, probs will make it SS
Added by DuddyJ. Last updated over 4 years ago.
As of over 4 years ago, DuddyJ has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
sooooooooooo theres a 1 in disc wound up locally, how are you enjoying this? should i spring for the conversion?
Posted about 8 years ago
Dude if its reasonably price i'd do it! Worst comes to worst I'm sure you can resell it for what you got it for. I love it though, this bike is geared low enough where I don't use the front brake often except for the big hills. It stops on a dime.
Posted about 8 years ago
Dog, risers all day if you want to shred fixie cross, so much more control and party factor
Posted almost 9 years ago
I don't know yet what to think about this bike but I love Broakland. I hope it will end up well
Posted almost 9 years ago
Yea I kinda got it cause it fascinated me. Should be an awesome bike though once I source all the necessary parts!
Posted almost 9 years ago
This is so different and wild that I love it. Shred that ride till the cows come home
Posted almost 9 years ago
Yea i cant wait to finish building it up!!! Still deciding between mtb bars or drops.
Posted almost 9 years ago
28-30c tires + some compact drops and hoods and it'll be such a sick trail bike. Are the discs not hooked up to levers in the pics? rad bike.
Posted almost 9 years ago
The bike isnt finished, I just threw some stuff i had on the Rock Lobster on this to see what it would look like complete. Still need to decide on bars + levers. I also need to see if it will clear 28c in the rear. But I agree, it will be an awesome trail bike!
Posted almost 9 years ago
Jehu says:
So happy to see this in a state that resembles completion
Posted almost 7 years ago
DuddyJ says:
That's fair.... it's so close to being done now too!
Posted almost 7 years ago