Location: Lee's Summit, Missouri
181 forum posts
49 bikes
metatronic1123's Favorites
- '03 Bianchi Pista Concept, 53 (sold)
- 1/1 GT prototype - 1995-2001 - Santa ana
- 1980s 3Rensho Lo-Pro
- 1982 Bianchi Eco Pista
- 1983 Stelbel Pista Inseguimento
- 1984 Bosomworth Track
- 1986 Team Great Britain custom track
- 1987 3Rensho Super Export Katana Track
- 1987 Bianchi C4 Project (Track)
- 1987 Bianchi Pista Pursuit
- 1992 Cannondale Track
- 1993 Cannondale track
- 1993 Cannondale Track
- 1993 Cannondale Track 54cm
- 1993 Cannondale Track original purple
- 1993 Khs AeroTrack
- 1993 KHS Aero Track
- 1993 KHS Aero Track
- 1993 KHS Aero Track *FOR SALE*
- 1994 Cannondale Track
- 1994 Yamaguchi Team Kilo-Pursuit
- 1995 Cannondale Track, Icelandic Green
- 1995 Hot Tubes TT Bike
- 1996 GT U.S. Natinonal Team Kilo Bike.
- 1997 Tiemeyer GT Superbike-3
- 1998 GT Edge Titanium
- 1998 GT GTB (61cm)
- 1-of-1 Trek Pursuit track
- 2000's "prototype" Koga Miyata track
- 2005 Duell performance track
- 2006 Look KG496
- 2006 Trek OCLV Team Time Trial
- 2010 Cervelo T1 Track w/ Reynolds wheels
- 2010 Serenity Marvel S
- 2011 Kagero
- 2011 Waltworks Fixed Gear / Road
- 2012 Mercier Kilo TT Pro Pro
- 2013 All-City Nature Boy Zona
- 2013 LOW// Pursuit
- 2015 Leader Renovatio (Prototype)
- 2015 Muirandessi Track
- 2022 Surly Steamroller Hawaii
- 3Rensho
- 3Rensho
- 3Rensho Katana
- 3Rensho Katana Track
- 3Rensho NJS Track
- 3Rensho Pursuit.
- 3Rensho (Stolen and Recovered)
- 55 cm dean titanium
- 58cm Merrick Track
- 58cm Waltly Ti Track
- 89 Klein
- 92 cannondale track
- '93 Cannondale 2.8 R900
- Æ's Witcomb Track Low Pro
- Affinity Lo Pro
- Affinity Lo Pro
- Alain Michel Pursuit
- Alain Michel Pursuit
- All-City Big Block
- All-City Kawaii-dome
- Allen Speedframe Aeromax
- Alphalab Satantrax Custom 2015
- Amaro Lollobrigida
- Anchor Bridgestone PHM9
- AR cycles c-record pista
- Argon 18 Electron 2009
- Aselolle Cycles Lo-Pro
- Avanti Pista EVO II team 2013 - "Holly"
- Avanti Pista EVO ll x Tom Beadle
- Ave Maldea Custom Track (DA10 pitch)
- Bagno LO PRO
- Bareknuckle
- Basso Lo Pro
- Battaglin World Champion '87 TT
- Bianchi D2 Pista Reparto Corse II
- Bianchi D2 Super Pista (i lied) (2nd)
- Bianchi Pista Concept 2004
- Bianchi Super Pista For Sale!
- Black Attack Giant Omnium (6kg)
- black gios custom vintage single speed
- BLB x Orłowski lo-pro
- BMC TRC01 Track / Taiwan
- Bob Jackson Rat Bike - JRJ - Bob Rat
- Bosomworth Pursuit
- Bosomworth Pursuit #2
- Bridgestone Anchor
- Bridgestone Pursuit
- Broakland Pipebomb
- Broakland Streetfighter
- Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta Track
- Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta Track V1
- Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta Track V1
- Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta V1 no.018
- BT Stealth
- Burnas 05
- Calfee Pista Roya
- cannondale 3.0 track frame sold
- Cannondale CAAD 10
- Cannondale Track
- Cannondale track 1992
- Cannondale Track 1993 (Green)
- Cannondale Track 1994
- cannondale track / 92" / 56cm.
- Cannondale Track '95 green
- Cannondale Track Diamond Blue
- Cannondale Track Saeco - in Progress
- Canyon V-Drome
- Cervélo T1
- Cervelo T3
- Cinelli Gazzetta
- Cinelli green from RUS
- Cinelli Histogram 2011
- Cinelli Laser
- Cinelli Laserelli
- Cinelli Laser Pista
- Cinelli Laser Pista, Blue
- Cinelli Laser Pursuit
- Cinelli Laser Pursuit
- Cinelli Laser Pursuit "beater"
- Cinelli Laser Pursuit Pista
- Cinelli Macho MASH Work
- Cinelli Mash 2010 || BOW's . ORYX
- Cinelli Mash 2010 (Green)
- Cinelli mash bolt for sale or trade
- Cinelli Mash Green
- Cinelli MASH/Histogram
- Cinelli Mash Histogram Fixed Gear
- Cinelli Mash Parallax
- Cinelli Mash Parallax
- Cinelli Mash Parallax 2014
- Cinelli MASH Parallax / FTWCRW
- Cinelli Mash Work 2015
- Cinelli Mash Work Build.
- Cinelli Parallax 2015
- Cinelli SC Pista Leggerissimo '71
- Cinelli Speciale Corsa Pista 68'
- Cinelli speciale corsa pista "SOLD"
- Cinelli street mash
- Cinelli supercorsa Pista
- Cinelli Super Corsa SC track bike 1960
- Cinelli Track Pista
- Clamont Pursuit
- Colnago Dream Pista
- Colnago Dream Reflex Pista
- Colnago Master Pista
- Colnago Master Pista (First Gen Gilco)
- Colnago Master Piu Lo Pro
- Colnago Master Pursuit USSR Team ED
- ' Colnago Reflex Pista (sold)
- Colossi Custom 6069 Track
- Colossi Low Pro - Indonesia
- Concorde Track
- Condor Ultimo Pursuit Pista
- Corima Cougar pista
- Corima Cougar Track - HHSB
- Curtis Low//
- Custom Banani Pursuit Pista
- Custom Cinelli Pista
- Custom Columbus MAX "Asong Asero" Track
- Custom Orłowski Adventure bike
- Daccordi Corna di Bue Pursuit Pista
- Daccordi Pista Pursuit Fanini Team 86
- D.A.M.P. earbeard
- D.A.M.P Ti
- Daniel Salmon pursuit 600/700
- Davidson-Kilo Track
- Davidson Trackster
- De Rosa Aerodinamica Pista
- de rosa super prestige
- Detroit custom track
- Diamant Belgian Track Bike
- DIY #6
- DIY Custom Frame - " The Custom"
- Dodici Special
- Dolan Pre Cursa
- Don Gibbs Columbus Max Sprint
- Dosnoventa Houston NASA
- DreamFix
- Duratec Magnetic T3
- Eddy Merckx Columbus Pista
- Eisentraut Track
- Ellipsis Custom
- Ellipsis workshop LoPro
- Eloi track handmade
- Eric's Cannondale Track
- faggin pursuit columbus AIR
- Fakenago Master PIU Pista
- Favorit F2 track
- Felt TK1
- felt tk3
- FES B91-7
- FFSR Kama
- Fidusa Chrono
- FOR SALE: Moser Leader AX Hour Record
- Forsale : Rossin Pursuit
- francesco moser
- Francesco Moser Pista 51.151
- Franklin Track Bike
- Freak Bike Fixed
- Fully Flamed F5 Pista
- Gan Well Pro Pursuit Track
- Geekhouse Rockcity
- Gefsco
- Geliano CT Pista / trial mod
- Gianni Motta pursuit track Columbus Air
- Giant Omnium - 2010
- Giant track prototype full carbon
- Gitane Delta Pista
- Green Pursuit Track
- Green/White Cinelli Mash
- GT Gen.Track Bike aka GT GTB
- GT GTB 54cm
- GT GTB Track
- GT Kinesis (Pulse)
- GT Kinesis Track (FOR SALE)
- GT National Team Track
- GT National Team Track
- GT National Team Track Pursuit
- GT Olympic Team Pursuit (Frame for Sale)
- GT Pulse
- GT Pulse '98
- GT USA Team Track
- Hgcolors Carbon Pursuit Bike
- IL BOLIDE (Zullo Inqubo Pista)
- Independent Fabrication Crown Jewel
- Independent Fabrication CX
- Independent Fabrication Ti Track
- Ingria Airpusher
- Jamis Sonik
- J.Foster Pursuit
- Kalavinka carbon **sold**
- Kalavinka Sunset Custom
- Kalavinka Super Exhibition NJS
- Kawasaki Green Superb Sprint
- Keith Anderson Custom Track Bike
- khs aero comp true temper
- KHS Aero Track
- KHS Aero Track 1993
- KHS Aero Track 1998
- KHS Aero Track 1999
- KHS Aero Track 96'
- KHS Aero Track '99
- Kirk Precision Limited First Edition '87
- Koga Miyata FullProTrack
- Kory York K2
- Land Shark
- Land Shark Pursuit (time shark)
- Land Shark Track Shark
- Land Shark Track Shark
- Land Shark Track Shark
- Land Shark Track Shark
- LaPivora full BLB
- Lastochka/Ласточка
- Laurie Dawe Pursuit
- Laurie Dawes Pursuit #1
- Leader Eqnx (15LBS)
- Lee Cooper Lo Pro
- Litech Magnesium Lo Pro 650c UNDEAD
- Litespeed Appalachian
- Litespeed Blade 650c_Max T_1
- LOOK 496 carbon track bike
- Look AL264
- Look KG 196 Piste
- Look L96 x Kevin Sireau
- Lo-Pro 700/700 ROUTENS
- LoPro C.Brochard
- Lotus 110 track-ready
- Lotus Sport 110_Bike #3_Max T Bicycle
- Low//
- Low Pro Track
- Low Pursuit
- LOW// Pursuit
- LOW// track standard
- LOW// Track Standard
- Maeda NJS
- Maeda NJS beater
- Magna Mini-Bike
- Mandaric Custom Pursuit
- Marinoni Special
- Mario Cipollini's Aero Cannondale Track
- Marshall Modified - Loose Goose
- Martrac Pursuit
- Masi 3Volumetrica Pista from Moskva
- Mecacycle Turbo Track homage
- Meccanico Giro Aero Pista
- Mercier Kilo TT
- Mercier Kilo TT (Black Magic)
- Midnight Purple Affinity Lopro
- Minivelo Fixed Gear
- MINO DENTI- blue and purple fadeZ
- Miyata Team Track
- modern project 3rensho
- Motta Track Bike
- Muirandessi Track
- My first Dodici Special
- My Megan fox
- My Sexy Carbon Planet X Track Pro
- nagasawa 2010
- Neil Orrell Track
- Neil Orrell Triple Triangle Track 1996
- No22 Little Wing
- Nuke Proof Reactor '97
- NZ Don Gibbs Columbus Max Pursuit
- ops!
- Orbea Lobular Altec Pista
- Orlowski Lo Pro (2009)
- Orlowski Pursuit Lo Pro
- Orlowski Pursuit Lo Pro Filed Brazed
- ORŁOWSKI Społem Łódź
- O.S.C.A. Fuori Serie & Dura Ace 10 pitch
- Panasonic Olympic Titanium Track
- Pearson Olympic Pursuit
- Pelizzoli Leggenda
- Pelizzoli Leggenda FOR3
- Pelizzoli Leggenda FOR3 (FOR SALE)
- Pelizzoli Leggenda For3 Pursuit SALE
- Perkins lo pro
- Pinarello FCI 1977
- Pinarello Pista
- Pinarello Xtrack Sprint
- Pink hellas track bike
- Planet X Holdsworth Trackbike
- Planet X Kaffenback 2
- Purple Wabi Special LE
- Pursuit Bike
- Quirk Pursuit Pista
- Radius carbon track bike
- Raleigh Macaframa
- Raleigh Track Pro TI Reynolds 753 (sold)
- Razesa Pista
- RBL TT pursuit / Verfolger
- Redvelo T1
- Ridley Oval (Aku)
- Rigi Pista FRAMESET
- RIGI Spaziale Pista Extra / Cazzaniga
- Rigi Spaziale Pista (OSCA)
- RIP = KHS Aero Track = RIP
- rossin olympic
- Rossin pista
- Rossin Pista 80's
- Rossin pista rat bike
- Rossin Pursuit
- Rossin Pursuit
- Rossin Pursuit Lo-Pro
- Rychtarski
- rychtarski bike fixed fir disc
- Rychtarski Cyklista Lucifer
- Rychtarski Emdek Club
- Rychtarski Lo-pro Columbus SLX fixie
- Rychtarski Lo Pro Pursuit
- Rychtarski track columbus Max
- Samoilov
- Samoylov samoilov pista
- Samson NJS Sakura Pink white fade
- Samson NJS Smoke Purple
- Samson NJS sold
- Serotta Corsa Pista
- Somec Pista
- Somec Super Air Pursuit
- Spectrum Lo Pro Pursuit
- Stanridge HSP MKII - Evolution
- Stanridge Speed HSP 031
- Superb Sprint
- Superb Sprint
- Surly Beanroller 2001
- Surly Steamroller
- Surly Straggler Berlin
- Takhion Aero
- Takhion Aero Track TT/ТAХИОН АЭРО
- Takhion style cccp pursuit + 666 wheels
- Takhion / Тахион
- tAll~City Thunderdome
- Taylormade Pursuit Bike
- Teal Affinity Lo Pro
- Textima 24"/24" Prototype
- TEXTIMA GDR national team track bike 110
- TEXTIMA GDR national team track bike 223
- Thei-Sprint Titanium Track
- Tiemeyer Aero Track Pursuit
- Tiemeyer GT Team USA
- TK Track - Mielec
- Tornado Pista II
- Unique 3Rensho Track
- Unknown Lv1
- Vapour Cycles Spirit - 3.7 kg
- Velodrome Cinelli Histogram
- Vicini Track Lo-pro Pursuit
- Victoria Pursuit
- Victoria titanium
- Vidarelli LoPro Columbus AIR
- Vitus 979 lo-pro
- Vitus Carbone 9 Pursuit track Build
- Vitus ZX-1
- Wayne Kotzur custom pursuit
- Wittson Custom Fixie 004
- Wittson Ti ( GT replica )
- Wittson Titanium Custom Track
- Wynn Olympic Pursuit Track
- Yamaguchi
- Yamaguchi Aero Track
- Yamaguchi track
- Тритон