Daccordi Crono team frame fitted with Swiss Edco Competition group
Daccordi Crono (Oria tubes / Campagnolo drop outs, "Wüthrich" stamps), seat-tube 58cm c-c x 55 top (horizontal)
Columbus 650"/ Edco Competition
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Edco Competition/ Campagnolo C-record
Campagnolo C-record with Lapize straps
52,42 x 12-20 (2x7) / Regina/ Edco/ KMC
Edco Competition (made by Sachs)
Concor Supercorsa/ Campagnolo Chorus
Edco Competiton (made by Modolo)
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Edco Competition, Mavic Mach 2 tubular (650), Continental Sprinter 22"
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Ambrosio by Logos (Gipiemme hub) // 2nd version: Edco Competition, Mavic Mach 2 tubular (700), Continental Sprinter 22"
Ciclolinea "shade" bar tape
More Info:
Made for Swiss team "Wüthrich" as it was labeld when I got it. But it had a really bad colour sheme art work so I refurbished it in black.
Added by moik. Last updated about 8 years ago.
wow! I love this! and that bar tape is awesome!
Posted almost 11 years ago
Thanks! This is some vintage Ciclolinea "shade" bar tape but you have to find the bike where it fits...
Posted almost 11 years ago
great to see an edco group on a bike like this. its excellent stuff.
Posted almost 11 years ago
Thank you! The Edco parts are working fine although a lot is made by other companies as Sachs (derailleurs/ shifters) and Modolo (brakes)...
Posted almost 11 years ago
in my opinion sachs is underrated. they made great stuff.
to edco: i am looking for the tool to remove an edco bottom bracket. it is looking like that:http://www.mtb-news.de/forum/attachment... any idea? :-)
Posted almost 11 years ago
Hi Strange!
I realy like the old Sachs parts as the "Nuovo Succes" group! One of the best and - you're so right - highly underrated...
There is a special tool for this kind of Edco BB; ask at your LBS or try to borrow it here http://www.santana-tandem.com/
Posted almost 11 years ago
Dimaz says:
great rare stuff, love it
Posted over 8 years ago
moik says:
Me too! It was fun when I did the last make over with an alternative Edco group, I found the parts in the US - and I live in Switzerland...
Posted over 8 years ago