Location: Ithaca, NY
48 forum posts
14 bikes
tracksloth's Favorites
- 1973 presto jan le grand
- 1990 Basso Gap
- 1993 Merlin Extralight
- 2017 Stelbel Rodano
- 58cm Merrick Track
- ALMAN 014
- BACO Columbus steel full Gipiemme pista
- Bantam Bicycle Works Allroad
- Baum Corretto - 'Morpheus'
- Berretto Track
- Biemmezeta Pista
- Bishop Bikes Road
- Bishop Track, Butterfly Wing Edition
- Bob Jackson - NOS (New Old School)
- Brother Kepler Disc sunset
- Cherubim X Sexon Super Peace
- Cinelli Laser Pista
- Cinelli Speciale Corsa Pista SOLD
- Cinelli Supercorsa
- Cinelli Super Corsa 2014, the Dream
- Cinelli Supercorsa Neo-Retro
- Cinelli supercorsa Pista
- Ciöcc Pista (Featured, For Sale)
- Colian Deep Purple Restomod
- Colnago C40 - Paris-Roubaix
- Colnago Master Olympic Art Decor
- COLNAGO Master Olympic Pista
- Colnago Master Pista, Stash Edition
- Colnago Nuevo Mexico Oro Strada
- Corrado - Tout MAVIC Pista
- Custom Bilenky 'Hetchins Tribute' Track
- Custom Kumo Cycles Track
- Custom Vetta commuter
- Dean Titanium
- De Rosa Titanio Scatto Fisso Custom
- Deroy Piste
- Detroit custom track
- Di2 All City Gorilla Monsoon
- Don Gibbs Track
- Ferriveloci Modello B
- ferriveloci Modello B / Taipei
- Ferriveloci Modello P Track "For sale"
- Fondriest Pista
- Fondriest X-Status copper plated
- (For sale)Custom Bishop track bike
- Geekhouse Rando
- Geekhouse Rockcity
- Gianni Motta Personal 2001R
- Gianni Motta Pista njs
- Hetchins Road-Path Bike
- Independent Fabrication Crown Jewel
- Independent Fabrications Ti Deluxe 29er
- Jake Ricker's CX
- JP Weigle
- Kalavinka custom road build
- Kalavinka Sunset Custom
- Kalavinka Super Exhibition NJS
- Kotter
- Landshark
- Land Shark Road Shark 51cm
- Land Shark Team 7-11 Huffy
- LIS Custom Gravel
- Look KG282 Ti
- Luigi Fontana Columbus Max tubing (199?)
- Mandaric Custom Pursuit
- Mercian Track Path 1959
- MINO DENTI- blue and purple fadeZ
- Moser pista
- Muirandessi Track
- Muirandessi Track
- Murphy Track Bike (Bellamy)
- My sssSICK Yamaguchi Asymmetric Track
- nagasawa 2010
- Omnium CXC
- osca
- Phil Barge Pista SC
- Redder than red Mercian Vincitore!
- Revere Cycles 001
- Rigi Pista FRAMESET
- RIH Profi Pista
- Risi
- Rock Lobster
- Rock Lobster All Road
- Rossin Genesis-ex city racer
- Serotta Atlanta
- Serotta Colorado III Track
- [SOLD] Eddy Merckx MX Leader
- "Suzume" Track Bike by Winter Bicycles
- Thei-Sprint Titanium Track
- Twin Six Standard Rando (650b)
- U. Scanini Discotheque Crono
- Vetta Ciclocross
- Viner Special Professional Pista
- WLKR x Pengrajin Cycle
- Wraith Fabrication The Hustle
- Zebra Stoemper SSCX
- Zunow
- ЁLKA Track Custom