Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
1 bike
Website: dharmathepeople.tumblr.com
Ride for Fixed and Furious Jakarta
rapide's Favorites
- 07 - 2010 Planet X Pro Carbon Track
- 1993 Cannondale Track
- 1998 GT Forte Titanium
- 2007 Bianchi Pista Concept
- 2010 Specialized Tarmac Elite
- 2011 Specialized Langster Steel
- 2012 Bianchi Super Pista
- 2013 Langster Pro
- 2013 Pinarello Pista
- 3Rensho Road
- 50cm Low// Track Std.
- '93 Cannondale Track 54cm
- Æ's Giro NJS Track
- Affinity Kissena / FOR SALE!
- AMAMIN x Kalavinka
- a mediocre bianchi d2 super pista.
- Another Bianchi Pista Concept 2005
- Argon 18 Electron
- Bianchi D2 Super Pista
- Bianchi Super Pista
- Bianchi Super Pista Concept 2006
- Black 2011 Cinelli Vigorelli
- Black PCOlite ( sold )
- Black Peloton NJS
- Bob Jackson
- breakbrake17 Transfer, sold
- Brooklyn Gangsta Track
- Cannodale Track 3.0
- Cannondale Track 1992
- Cervélo S2
- Cervelo T1
- Cervélo T1 Japan
- Cinelli Figorelli 2009
- Cinelli Mash
- Cinelli mash black/green
- Cinelli Mash Histogram
- Cinelli Mash Histogram 2011
- Cinelli Vigorelli
- Cinelli Vigorelli 2009
- Colnago Dream Pista
- Colnago Dream Pista
- Colnago Master Tricolore 1986
- Colnago mexico pista 1980s
- Colnago Mexico Pista 81´
- Colossione | Colossi | matteblack
- Custom Red Cannondale Track '92
- Dodici Special
- Dodici Special x Duraath
- Dolan Duck
- Dolan Seta
- Dolan Track Tandem
- Dosnoventa Houston
- Dosnoventa Houston x SamBo
- Dosnoventa Tokyo
- El rey's - Leader Kagero
- FFSR Kama
- F. Moser Leader NP
- Fondriest TF1 Pista
- Francesco Moser Pursuit
- Freqnt Flyr Kama
- FTC x Nabiis Alchemy
- Gabe's Cinelli Bolt
- GanWellPro Evasion
- geekhouse rockcity
- G&F's Level Professional
- Giant Omnium - 2010
- Giro Pursuit Frameset
- Gold/Rainbow Flake Samson NJS
- GT Edge Ti
- GT Pulse / GTB Track Bike
- Histogram Valhalla
- JP Weigle
- Kagero
- Kansai Ridley Oval
- KHS flite100
- KHS Flite One Hundred 2012
- Leader 722TS - Classy Editio
- Leader KAGERO x CaBaY
- Leader x PC Kagero
- Leader x PC Kagero 2013
- litespeed titanium track on ebay.
- LOOK AL264
- Look Al 264 Team
- lo pro
- LOW//
- LOW// Bicycles
- LOW// Pursuit
- Low Pursuit, Fluorescent Red 54
- LOW// Pursuit x DSC *FRAME 4 SALE**
- low// standard track
- Makino NJS Rainbow Flake
- MASI 3volumetrica PURSUIT track bike
- Moda Forte
- Mosconi Milano
- Mr. A
- my_low.. soon!
- Naaaaasty Nagasawa!
- Navy LOW//(sold)
- NJS Stratos ピスト (Blacky) Japan
- NJS Stratos ピスト Japan
- Orbit Tandem
- PCO Aerosprint Pursuit x NOEVELO
- Pelizzoli Leggenda for3
- Pelizzoli Pista GP
- PIAS Cycle
- Pinarello Dogma 60.1
- Pinarello Xtrack Madison
- Planet X Pro Carbon Track
- Planet X Pro Carbon Track
- Ponyheart triple-triangle roadbike
- Quiros Track
- Raleigh Macaframa
- Raleigh x Macaframa
- rare 90's russian TAKHION PURSUIT TRACK
- Reminton Track NJS
- Ridley Oval
- Ridley X-Fire 08
- RIP = KHS Aero Track = RIP
- Specialized Langster Pro HI
- Stanridge Speed Cycles Pursuit X12
- StarTrack x Colossi VELO XX
- Superb Sprint XS
- Teal Affinity Lo Pro
- Textima Low-Pro Pursuit
- Thei-Sprint Titanium Track
- The Oxford Cinelli MASH-commuter
- Tiemeyer GT National Track Bike
- Tokyo Fixed S1
- UNKNOWN BIKE CO. Lv2 track bike
- Unknown bike co. lv3
- Velodrome Cinelli Histogram
- Vivalo Special - NJS
- White #BATANTRAX Gold Decals
- WLKR x Pengrajin Cycle