My ultimate dream bike that I was able to come by from a guy who was in a pinch and needed money. Bike was bought on the east coast in 86 and had hardly been ridden since the late 80s. It spent most of its life on the back of an RV traveling around the US. I still have the original ambrosio tubulars laced to ofmega track hubs with Clements pistard tires but swapped to the phil/velocities for every day riding. For sale for the right price!
1986 Rossin Pista/56cm
Rossin/Ofmega Master
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Ofmega Mistral Track/Ofmega
Ofmega Master
San Marco Concor suede/Strong
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Velocity Deep V/Phil track hub/vredestein tricomp
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Velocity Deep V/Phil track hub/vredestein tricomp
More Info:
always looking for rosin pantograph parts.
instagram - yarbroughdesign
Added by yarbroughdesign. Last updated almost 7 years ago.
i have a question about the decals. are those stickers or under the paint?
Posted about 10 years ago
Its the original paint job so everything is painted on, no stickers.
Posted about 10 years ago
What a beauty. Loving the orig wheels on it.
Posted about 11 years ago
Thanks man, your stratos is awesome. I have a soft spot for white bikes.
Posted about 11 years ago
Throw up a pic with the orig wheels mate. It looks mental. Probably the best kept Rossin on earth.
Posted about 11 years ago
RockyFor says:
dude. f##%
Posted over 7 years ago