Location: Monterey, CA
99 bikes
My first serious bike was a new 1969 Peugeot UO 8. It was the best I could afford with the money I could earn as a kid. I rode it for two weeks until it was stolen. I suppose I've been making up for that loss ever since. All my bikes are more than just purchases or finds. They are rescues or adoptions, if you will. Most have been saved from the scrap yard or the trash or just plain neglect. Some were in pieces, some incomplete and some broken. They each have their own unique feel and personality. Each one comes to life when I take it for a ride. Classic old bikes are not just machines. They're works of art, treasures, even family members. Saving a noble old bike from a cold, obscure death is not just a hobby to me. It's a very gratifying passion. Rust is my enemy. My profile photo is of Pepper, my rescue Dachshund. I have a boatload of bikes needing restoration that I will get done soon.