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Bianchi Pista Sei Giorni

Bought 16-1-15. Sold 26-2-15. In general I dislike this frame's layout and color scheme, but it rides quite well I must admit. I'm surprised... Split it up and sold it along. Used the cash to buy my Banani.

D2 Alloy Pista

Bianchi Carbon Pista | FSA Carbon

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Sram Force | Sram GXP

Crankbrothers Candy X

50/16 | Andel | Sram | KMC

Felt TKR | Deda Zero 1

Selle San Marco Concor Light Racing Team | Kalloy Uno SP-712N

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
H+Son Formation Face | Phil Wood High Flange Black | Continental Gatorskin

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
H+Son Formation Face | Phil Wood High Flange Black | Continental 4000GP


More Info:
1: https://goo.gl/KVkCn7 . 2: https://goo.gl/xuz65D . 3: https://goo.gl/dGIIGc . 4: https://goo.gl/RG5XGN .

Added by Karl. Last updated about 8 years ago.

As of about 10 years ago, Karl has indicated that they no longer own this bike.



ultimaform says:

Beauty! Matched well.

Posted about 10 years ago


Karl says:

Thanks man! :)

Posted about 10 years ago


sloman says:

Sure it's a Bianchi? Looks too fat tubes to be regular Pista(is it alum?) and lacks the seat tube notch on the Super Pistas. It is a nice looking rig though-for a white bike lol. Enjoy

Posted about 10 years ago


Karl says:

Yup exactly, not really me, the white... Yes it's a Bianchi but not a super pista - it's a Bianchi Sei Giorni Pista! I'm trying to sell this at this moment so hopefully i'll soon be able to get me an NJS instead.

Posted about 10 years ago


sloman says:

That makes sense,though I'm a Bianchinut myself' Cheers

Posted about 10 years ago


riceboy says:

Oh god. the crankset... not meant for fixed...

Posted about 10 years ago


Karl says:

Jesus, i know! But if Elrey can ride it, so can i

Posted about 10 years ago


riceboy says:

Give it to me. I need it for SSCX. Haha...

Posted about 10 years ago


Karl says:

Haha yeah i'm trying to sell the bike currently - not a fan of a white saddle so selling it w. cockpit & seatpost + saddle - the wheelset's a keeper though i've already got one but the cranks are leaving too - preferably for a high price :D

Posted about 10 years ago