Location: Bellingham
5 forum posts
6 bikes
I like to ride fixed and listen to Radiohead
hwattsnola's Favorites
- 1970's Rauler special pista. (sold)
- 1983 Raleigh US Team pursuit
- 1983 Stelbel Pista Inseguimento
- 1984 Cinelli Laser Pursuit
- 1986.5 Cannondale Team Pepto-Bismol
- 1986 Cinelli Laser America
- 1986Vintage SAMSON NJS navy/flake
- 1988 Klaas Kwantes KNWU pursuit track
- 1988 Seoul Olympic Cinelli laser pursuit
- 1989 Bridgestone RB-1 52cm
- 1989 Somec Super Air Pursuit Pista
- 1990 something GT Edge x SamBo
- 1991 Marin Shred Sled
- 1991 Serotta Colorado II
- 1993 GT Karakoram
- 1993 Klein Attitude
- 1993 Specialized Stumpjumper M2
- 1994 Yamaguchi Team Kilo-Pursuit
- 1995 Bianchi Titanium Mega Tube
- 1995 Cannondale Track, Icelandic Green
- 1996 Colnago C40 Paris-Roubaix No. 180
- 1997 GT Pulse 56cm
- 1997 Tiemeyer GT Superbike-3
- 1998 Colnago C40 51cm Mapei
- 1998 Eddy Merckx track #11.
- 1998 GT Edge Titanium
- 1998 Klein Quantum Race
- 1999 Cannondale CAAD3 Martyn Ashton
- 1999 GT ZR1000 1x9
- 1999 Klein Quantum Neoretro
- 2000's GER track (sold)
- 2002 Cannondale CAAD5
- 2003 S-Works E5 Acqua Sapone 50cm
- 2007 Cannondale Capo
- 2007 Gellie Custom messenger track
- 2009 Colnago Extreme Power 45s
- 2009 Fuji Track Pro
- 2010 Serenity Marvel S
- 2011 Redline Monocog Flightline 29er
- 2014 BMC SLR02 Di2
- 2014 Fuji Track 1.1
- 2015 BMC SLR02 48cm
- 2015 Leader Renovatio 52cm
- 2015 Specialized CruX Pro Race U-Di2
- 2015 Waltly Custom Ti 50cm
- 2016 BMC TMR01 48cm
- 2016 Marinoni Pista
- 2017 All-City Big Block 52cm
- 2017 Cannondale Slate Force 1
- 2017 LOW// mkii Track Standard
- 2017 Marino Custom "big dog"
- 2017 Speedvagen Road
- 2017 Stelbel Rodano
- 2017 Tonic Fabrications Crusher SoftTail
- 2018 Cannondale SuperSix Evo Hi-Mod Disc
- 2019 amocla tirr 48cm
- 2019 Engine11 C&C Sprinter
- 3Rensho
- 3rensho 1985 special road
- 3Rensho Katana
- 3Rensho Katana Track
- 3rensho modeulo track
- 3Rensho Modeulo Track
- 3Rensho NJS
- 3Rensho Track Super Record Export
- 55 cm dean titanium
- 90´s Hegemann Track
- 93' Cannondale 2.8 aluminum R2000(Sold)
- 950 Conversion
- 96' Cannondale m800 Beast of the east
- 96' GT Pulse (Kinesis)
- A BT Original
- Affinity Lo Pro
- Airwalk Gangstatrack.
- All City Big Block
- All-City Big Block Disc !
- All-City Gorilla Monsoon
- All City Macho Man Disc 650b
- All-City Nature Boy Disc
- All-City Nature Boy Disc
- Anchor
- Anchor
- Anchor FAPCPT
- Anchor NJS Blue (FnF Banjarmasin)
- Anchor PHM9
- Anchor PHR7
- Anchor phr7 Bridgestone
- Anderson custom track
- Antk enei
- Antonov Elin
- Antonov Elin
- Antonov Elin
- Antonov Elin 1st gen 5.8kg
- Antonov Elin Track
- Antonov Elin Track Bike
- Antonov ENEY Track
- Antonov national team Ukraine
- AR Cycles Randonneuse
- Argon 18 Electron 2017
- August Touring Bike
- August Tracklocross bike
- AURORA "Australis" Track Bike
- Ave Maldea Columbus SL
- Bamboo V Single Speed Prototype
- Bantam Bicycle Works Allroad
- BareNaked Cannondale Track
- Basso Pista Team Ecoflam - Jolly
- Battaglin Carrera World Champion 87
- Battaglin Pursuit pista
- Bianchi D2 Pista
- Bianchi pista concept 2007 ratbike
- Bike Friday Pocket Rocket Pro
- Bishop TIG road bike (Sold)
- Bishop Track, Butterfly Wing Edition
- BMC Timemachine TM01
- BMC TR01
- BMC track machine 02
- BMC TRC01 Track Machine
- BMC TRC01 Track Machine - ANOTHER ONE
- BMC TRC01 Track / Taiwan
- BMW Gangstatrack V 1.5
- BMW Gangsta Track V2
- Bricca pursuit
- Bridgestone Anchor PHM9
- Bridgestone Anchor PHM9
- Bridgestone Anchor PHR7
- Bridgestone Anchor PHR7
- Broakland ST Classic disc
- Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta Track v1
- Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta Track V1
- Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta Track V1
- Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta Track v2
- Brooklyn Machine Works V1 Gangsta Track
- Brother Swift
- BT Stealth
- c4 joker
- C4 LUNA Black MTB
- Calfee Pista Roya
- Cannondale All-in-hipster project
- Cannondale CAAD10
- Cannondale CAAD12 Disc
- Cannondale CAAD3
- Cannondale caad 4 aero
- Cannondale CAAD 5 Si Team Saeco
- Cannondale Caad Headshok Ultra Cx
- Cannondale M600 Beast of the East '91
- Cannondale Six13 Team Black Series CAAD8
- Cannondale Supersix Evo Disc
- Cannondale Supersix Evo hi Mod 54cm
- Cannondale Track 1000 Icelandic Green
- Cannondale track 1992
- Cannondale Track 1993 - Icelandic Green
- Cannondale Track 92’
- Cannondale Track '92 red
- Cannondale Track '95 green
- cannondale track / black shamal track
- Cannondale Track Gold
- Cannondale Track Polished
- Cannondale XS800
- Cannondale xs800 Headshok
- Carrera built by Contini (finished)
- Casati Track #1
- Casati Track #2
- Cat Cheetah Carbon Bike #2_Max T_2
- Centurio Primus Pista
- Cervélo p2t
- Cervelo P4
- Cervelo R3 Team
- Cervélo S3 2015 M90 camo
- Cervélo S5
- cervelo T1
- Cervelo T1
- Cervelo T1
- Cervelo T1 2012
- Cervélo T1 Japan
- Cervélo T3
- Cervélo T3
- Chris Jeucken triple t track #1. *sold*
- Christopher Thompson
- Cicli Bonanno - Killisperger 2016
- Cielo Road Racer Disc
- Cinelli Gazzetta
- Cinelli Histoglam
- Cinelli Laser
- Cinelli Laser -85 NOS
- Cinelli Laser Crono Strada
- Cinelli Laser Mia project
- Cinelli Laser Nostra
- Cinelli Laser Pista
- Cinelli Laser Pista 83´
- Cinelli Laser Pursuit
- Cinelli Laser Pursuit
- Cinelli MASH CXSS
- Cinelli Mash Cyanotype
- Cinelli Mash Parallax
- Cinelli Mash Parallax
- Cinelli Mash Parallax 2014
- Cinelli MASH Parallax 2015
- Cinelli Mash Parallax Cyanotype
- Cinelli MASH Parallax Optical 2014
- Cinelli Mash SSCX - Large Marge
- Cinelli Mash Work
- Cinelli Mash Work (Pink)
- Cinelli parallax 2014 medium
- Cinelli Parallax (Custom Painted)
- Cinelli SC Pista Leggerissimo '71
- Cinelli Zydeco Canti CX Bike
- Ciöcc Pista (Featured, For Sale)
- Colnago DreamLux
- Colnago Dream Lux Pista
- Colnago Dream Pista
- Colnago Dream Pista
- Colnago Dream Pista
- Colnago Master 1986
- Colnago Master Olympic 1994
- Colnago Master Pista, Stash Edition
- colnago master pursuit pista + ghibli
- Colnago Master Pursuit USSR Team ED
- Colnago Pista 53cm
- Colnago Pursuit Prototype
- Colossi Custom Roadster
- Colossi Proto
- Colossi x CPS Stainless Track Prototype
- Continuum Cycles Super Machina Pista
- Corima Cougar
- Corima Cougar
- Corima Cougar Track Pursuit 700/650c
- Covid Bike
- Cramerotti Pista
- Crust Evasion
- Custom Banani Pursuit Pista
- Custom Firefly road
- Custom Sparkle Kalavinka Carbon Track
- Custom steel road bike
- Cycle Truk
- Cyclo Bicycles Grava Allroad
- Cyclops Track
- Daccordi Pursuit
- Daccordi TSX Timetrial
- Davidson Cyclocross
- Davidson Trackster
- D.Cattin Custom Track bike
- Dean Titanium
- Denti Mirages
- DiamondBack Response Monster-machine
- dodici spécial cameleon
- Dolan DF4
- DolanSeta
- Dolan Seta
- Dolan Seta
- Dolan Seta
- Dolan Seta Royal Air Force
- Dolan Team GB
- Dolan Track Carbon Prototype
- EAI Bareknuckle
- EAI Bareknuckle 56
- Eddy Merckx Corsa Extra
- Eddy Merckx Pista 1980-ish
- Eimei NJS
- Elkabikes track. Columbus MAX
- El rey's - Dolan Seta - on the Edge
- Enduro Hardtail Moxie
- Faggin BMZ
- Faggin Pista
- Falconer 650b Nor-Cal Roadie
- Fat chance - Yo eddy
- Fat Chance Yo Eddy Team
- [FEATURED] Decadence custom track
- Felt TK1
- Felt TK1
- Felt Tk1 Endurance
- Felt TK FRD
- Felt TK FRD
- ferriveloci Modello B / Taipei
- Ferriveloci Modello P Track "For sale"
- FES B04-3
- FES B05-3
- FES B91
- FES B91
- FES B99-1
- Field Cycles Fixed Gear Prototype
- Firefly SSCX #666
- Fire Parallax
- Formula Ti Pursuit Track
- *For sale* Mars Cycles Track
- Forsale : Rossin Pursuit
- Fuji Track Classic 2011
- Fuji Track Elite 2016
- Fully Flamed F5 Pista
- Gaulzetti Corsa
- Gaulzetti Interclub
- Geekhouse Rando
- Geekhouse Rockcity
- Generic Tarkc Biek
- Giant tcr advanced team
- Giant TCX Advanced Pro 2 2015
- Giant track prototype full carbon
- Giant Trinity Pro TT
- Gilco Stanridge ,RHC TEAM COLORS
- Gitane Delta Pista
- Gitane lopro track
- Gokhun’s Bridgestone "Tailor Made"
- GRIFFEN Vulcan B4C
- GT Cargo Tequesta
- GT Edge 1x11
- GT Edge Titanium
- GT Force 4130 Hipster Shopper/Radtourer
- GT Forte Ti
- GT Karakoram K2
- Gt Superbike 3
- GT Track
- GT Zaskar Le
- Guru merus
- Handmade track thing
- Harry Hall Columbus Max Track
- Harry Hall Track
- Homemade bamboo track bike.
- Human Powered Machines Long Haul
- Icarus Road
- Icarus Track
- Independent Fabrication Crown Jewel
- Jowan Track
- Kagero High Street Pursuit
- Kalavinka carbon **sold**
- kalavinka carbon track
- Kalavinka Super Exhibition
- Kalavinka Super Exhibition NJS
- KHS Aero Comp Disc
- Klein Aelus
- Klein Attitude Race "Gravel"
- Klein Quantum Pro
- Klein Quantum Vol. 2
- Kocmo Cross Disc Custom
- Koga Senko 2012 59c/t
- Land Shark Road Shark 51cm
- Land Shark Team 7-11 Huffy
- Landshark Track Shark
- Land Shark - Track Shark
- Land Shark Track Shark
- Landshark Trackshark 2005
- Land Shark Track Shark Pursuit
- L'Esperance Track
- LIS Custom Gravel
- Litech Magnesium Lo Pro 650c UNDEAD
- Litespeed Ti Softtail Fixed Gear MTB
- Look 296 !
- LOOK 396
- Look 396 KG - Track Bike
- LOOK 496 / Taiwan
- Look 496 Track
- Look 695 SR
- Look 795 light
- Look AL264 "Cycles Tilly"
- Look al264p
- Look Al 464 P
- Look Al 464 P (Custom paintjob)
- Look kg 196 crono, time trial tt
- Look KG 196 Piste
- Look kg 233 p
- Look KG243
- Look KG282 Ti
- Look Kg 296
- Look KG396
- - LOOK KG 396 -
- look kg496 piste track
- LOOK KG 496 Track
- LOOK KG 496 TRACK 2.0
- Look kg TRACK mavic comete & 3g
- LOOK L96 // FAME FxD
- look track KG 396
- LOW//
- LOW// Pursuit 2013
- LOW// Pursuit 2014
- LOW// Pursuit of Happiness
- LOW// Road Mk.1
- LOW// SS C R I T
- LOW// Track Pursuit 55cm
- Maeda NJS
- Maeda njs, Gear version.
- Maffioletti jet pista
- Magic Colour Changing Anchor NJS Track
- Makino
- Makino Ikezawa
- Makino NJS
- Makino NJS beater
- Makino NJS Tri-Spoke
- Marin Bear Valley SE 1995
- Mario Cipollini's Aero Cannondale Track
- Marshall Modified - Loose Goose
- MashSF Work Frame
- Masi Montgomery Subaru team TT bike
- Masi pursuit CCCP NOS USSR
- Mazza
- Mecacycle Tricolor
- Mecacycle Turbo
- Mecacycle Turbo Track
- Mercier Kilo TT (Black Magic)
- Mercier Kilo TT Black Magic
- Mickey's Nature Boy 853
- Monsterslate* - Onone Inbred SS Lefty
- Mosaic RS-2
- Moser Leader AX Evolution
- Moth Attack Cyclocross/Adventure Bike
- Moth Attack Stainless Steel Road
- MuddyFox Alu Team
- Muddy Fox Pathfinder
- Muirandessi Track
- Mystery Lo Pro
- Nagasawa NJS
- Nagasawa NJS Blue Sparkle Koiici Kato
- Nagasawa - Purple Galaxy
- Neil Orrell bendy tube triple triangle
- No. 22 Little Wing
- No.22 Little Wing
- No22 Little Wing
- On One Pompetamine
- On-One Pompino v4 / messenger machine
- Open U.P.
- Orbea Orca
- O.S.C.A. Fuori Serie & Dura Ace 10 pitch
- Ostro street
- Panasonic
- Panic at the Disco
- Parlee Altum 2017
- Pearson 1995
- Pearson Olympic Pursuit
- Pelizzoli For3 Leggenda Pursuit
- Pelizzoli Leggenda
- Pelizzoli Leggenda
- Pelizzoli Leggenda FOR3
- Perkins lo pro
- Peugeot Track Bitube Solander
- Pinarello Dogma F8
- Pinarello Montello Carbon
- Pinarello Pista
- Pinarello Pista
- Pink Cinelli Mash Work
- Principia TT weave team
- Pro-Lite Trentino w/ Miche Pistard Air
- Raleigh Professional'75 (Team Ti)
- Raleigh RHP
- Raleigh ti Professional track
- Rawland Drakkar
- Recovered!! Victoria Titanium Track
- Resurrected Enik pista - 2014 3dition
- Rigi Spaziale Pista
- Ritchey Swiss Cross
- Rivendell Atlantis TOYO
- RMIT Superbike
- Rock Lobster
- Rock Lobster All Road
- Rock Lobster Track Custom
- Rodeo Labs Flaanimal 4.0
- Rodriguez lugged road
- Rootbeer WNBA
- Rossin Adventure 1991
- Rossin Compact
- Rossin COMPACT Pista
- Rossin Performance EL Pursuit Pista
- Rossin Pursuit
- Russ Denny Pursuit (sold)
- Rychtarski Columbus Air
- Rychtarski Emdek Club
- Rychtarski Pursuit lo-pro
- Rychtarski Solo Pursuit lo-pro
- Saggworks Tarmac SL5 2017
- Samson Illusion - Shimano Olympic Zen
- Samson Illusion track bike
- SAMSON illusion Track Pursuit
- Samson NJS Track Rat
- Samson Sakura
- Samson sparsely sparkley cream NJS
- Santa Cruz Stigmata CC - 60cm
- Schwinn FGCX
- Schwinn Paramount Track
- Scott Foil HMF
- Scott Pro Racing
- Serotta Atlanta
- Serotta Corsa Pista
- Serotta T-Max Mtb
- Serotta tri colorado 650c
- shimazaki njs 10 pitch (project)
- Skream Sprint V2 | Skreameleon
- sold pinarello track
- Specialized Allez Epic
- Specialized Allez Epic (V2)
- SPECIALIZED Langster Pro
- Specialized Rockhopper 1988
- Specialized S-Works M2 Super Road 1995
- Standert Umlaufbahn V2
- Stanridge Disc Roadie
- Stanridge Speed x Death Spray Custom HSP
- Stinner Frameworks Gibraltar
- stinner frameworks x mudfoot
- *STOLEN* Pelago Saimaa
- Strela Kb
- Strong frames prommuter
- Suicycle Custom Aero Track Bike
- Surf Squid Bikes CX
- Surly 1x1 2010
- Surly Krampus
- Surly Pacer Rando
- Surly Steamroller
- Surly Steamroller
- Surly Steamroller 1x10
- Surly Steamroller (2017)
- Surly Steamroller 62cm - Recovered
- Surly Steamroller 650b - Size 59
- "Suzume" Track Bike by Winter Bicycles
- S-works Tarmac SL 5 2016
- tAll~City Thunderdome
- Technicycle
- textima 221/4
- The Holy Grail: Colnago C40
- the shredsled
- Tiemeyer GT Team USA
- TOKSTA Pursuit 2013
- Trek 2300 PRO
- Trimble
- Vapour Cycles Spirit - 3.7 kg
- VeloOrange Piolet
- Velo Zephyr Custom Carbon Track Bike
- Victoria Titanium
- Viner Nemo Retromodern Dura Ace bike
- Vitali Russi SLX
- Vitus Vee-1
- Walser Pursuit Track
- Wayne Kotzur custom pursuit
- Why So Surly Steamroller
- Wittson Custom CX 001
- Wittson road disc bicycle Illuminati
- Wittson Ti ( GT replica )
- Wittson XC 29er Bestia 086
- Wittson XC 29er Bestia Boost
- WTF Townie, RC Broham Rack & 40 1/2 cage
- Yamaguchi Aero Track
- Yeti Arc-X
- Young Monster
- Zebra Stoemper SSCX
- ZIPP 3001
- zunow custom paint lo pro track
- АНТК им. Антонова ΣLIN Colnago Ukraine
- АНТК им. Антонова ΣΝΣЙ